# Delaying a workflow in Node.js

Use $.flow.delay to delay a step in a workflow.

These docs show you how write Node.js code to handle delays. If you don't need to write code, see our built-in delay actions.

# Using $.flow.delay

$.flow.delay takes one argument: the number of milliseconds you'd like to pause your workflow until the next step executes. You can pause your workflow for as little as one millisecond, or as long as one year.

Note that delays happen at the end of the step where they're called.

export default defineComponent({
  async run({ steps, $ }) {
    // Delay a workflow for 60 seconds (60,000 ms)
    $.flow.delay(60 * 1000)

    // Delay a workflow for 15 minutes
    $.flow.delay(15 * 60 * 1000)

    // Delay a workflow based on the value of incoming event data,
    // or default to 60 seconds if that variable is undefined
    $.flow.delay(steps.trigger.event?.body?.delayMs ?? 60 * 1000)

    // Delay a workflow a random amount of time
    $.flow.delay(Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000))

# cancel_url and resume_url

Both the built-in Delay actions and $.flow.delay return a cancel_url and resume_url that lets you cancel or resume paused executions.

These URLs are specific to a single execution of your workflow. While the workflow is paused, you can load these in your browser or send an HTTP request to either:

  • Hitting the cancel_url will immediately cancel that execution
  • Hitting the resume_url will immediately resume that execution early

Since Pipedream pauses your workflow at the end of the step where you run call $.flow.delay, you can send these URLs to third party systems, via email, or anywhere else you'd like to control the execution of your workflow.

import axios from 'axios'

export default defineComponent({
  async run({ steps, $ }) {
    const { cancel_url, resume_url } = $.flow.delay(15 * 60 * 1000)

    // Send the URLs to a system you own
    await axios({
      method: "POST",
      url: `https://example.com`,
      data: { cancel_url, resume_url },

    // Email yourself the URLs. Click on the links to cancel / resume
      subject: `Workflow execution ${steps.trigger.context.id}`,
      text: `Cancel your workflow here: ${cancel_url} . Resume early here: ${resume_url}`,

// Delay happens at the end of this step

# When delays happen

Pipedream pauses your workflow at the end of the step where you call $.flow.delay. This lets you send the cancel_url and resume_url to third-party systems.

export default defineComponent({
  async run({ steps, $ }) {
    const { cancel_url, resume_url } = $.flow.delay(15 * 60 * 1000)
    // ... run any code you want here

// Delay happens at the end of this step